Acrylic sign production process 2019-04-03 09:44:02
Laser cutting is a contactless cutting method, laser can cut a variety of patterns, words and so on, the technology is the use of laser beam irradiated to the acrylic surface to release the energy is acrylic plate melting, the use of laser cutting method can accurately cut complex shapes of materials, the material only need to do polishing treatment.

2) Punching
Drilling machine drilling: is the acrylic according to the position on the drawings to determine the location, then drilling.
CNC punching: it is very convenient to use the machine to punch holes. We only need to use the computer to input the drawing on the computer according to the size marked on the drawing into the CNC machine, and the machine will operate automatically.

Customers require high quality products and polish the products through traditional polishing and cloth wheel polishing.
Polishing methods are: 1. The traditional cloth wheel polishing method 2. Fire polishing method 3. Diamond polishing method

4)Hot bending
Plexiglass hot bending can be achieved through different methods, can be at the same time more than a set of plexiglass sheets on a hot bending machine and stereotypes on the qualitative hot bending. Most of the hot bending is only a single line or parallel hot bending, hot bending Angle can be controlled according to the stereotypes of its Angle.

Adhesion is a very demanding process, not only to position alignment, the product is also very strong requirements.

Assembly, is also the last link in the production of acrylic signs, is the combination of scattered parts into a series of categories, into a complete plexiglass sign stand product.Finally, check the quality of the products and confirm that the quality of the sign is up to the standard.Then the acrylic label products were packaged. Then it can be shipped out of the factory.

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