Have you bought real acrylic? 2019-07-05 16:13:00
How to check the real acrylic products? we can judge from the following four aspects: 1. Check the thickness. 2. Is it flammable? 3, light transmission. 4, color purity.

1, Thickness
A key point of acrylic sheet verification is the thickness. Generally speaking, the thickness is the thickness of the cross section. this is the key factor, it is better to ask first when you order it. Because the whole quality of the real acrylic sheet edge and the middle There is no significant difference in thickness.

2. Non-flammable
The real acrylic is not suitable for burning. When you buy it, you can test it with the manufacturer's sample. If the fire smells odor or black smoke, it is not pure acrylic.

3, light transmission
The appearance of the real acrylic sheet is very beautiful, the light transmission is good, there is no pitting, there is no yellowing and other bad phenomena, and the refractive performance under the light is very good.

4, more colors, high purity
As the leader of advertising materials, Acrylic has developed a lot of colors, high purity, bright and clean, smooth surface, easy to wipe stains.

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