How to distinguish the quality of acrylic? 2023-03-06 16:09:01

First,  the observation method. The easiest way to identify good or bad acrylic panels is to see if the surface is faded or not high gloss, from these aspects to see. You can also look at the acrylic sheet instructions are consistent with the actual material situation, so as to determine whether it is a formal material. 

Second, is the burning method. Can use a small amount of acrylic board for burning, such as acrylic board burning fast, it shows that the quality of acrylic board is not qualified.
Third, the light transmission method. What we call the light transmission method, is the use of acrylic plate light transmission rate to determine good or bad, and then use a white light to irradiate in. General good quality acrylic plate, light transmission rate is high, through the white, if found to have yellow or blue and other colour differences, it means that the acrylic plate quality is not good.

Fourth, paste method. Burn two acrylic plates together, hot melt after the general poor quality of acrylic is difficult to separate, and good quality acrylic is easy to separate, so through this small experiment you can judge the quality of the acrylic plate good or bad.

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