The Advantages Of Product Innovation 2018-05-21 09:32:36
1, Product innovation can increase the chance of profit, reduce market risk, form a new growth point, and facilitate the adjustment of product structure.

2, product innovation can accumulate core technology and management experience, increase the company's rapid response capabilities, rapid processing capabilities to adapt to changing markets.

3. Continuously launch new products that can meet different levels of customer needs, so as to deepen the affinity of customers and companies, and help to seize the market, thus overcoming the previous low-cost forms of promotion, and then use strategies to win the brand.

4, product innovation is conducive to the formation of a positive corporate culture, enhance the cohesion of employees.

5, develop new products, form a reasonable industrial structure and core competitiveness, so as to meet the needs of different customers, it will also improve the company's core competitiveness.

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