What are the methods of daily maintenance and care of acrylic products? 2023-03-21 15:34:46
Acrylic material is light, transparent, easy to shape and clean, so it is sought after by all walks of life. Now, acrylic products can be found everywhere in our lives, so how do we carry out daily maintenance and maintenance after purchase, what are the methods? Here we look at the typical representative of acrylic products acrylic box of daily maintenance and maintenance methods are.

1, cleaning: acrylic products, if not by special treatment or add hardener, the product itself is easy to wear, scratch. Therefore, the general dust treatment, you can use chicken feather blanket or water rinse, and then wipe with a soft fabric. If minor scratches or dust adsorption due to electrostatic generation of acrylic products blurred or unclean can be used dipped in 1% soapy water in a soft cloth with the wipe it clean.

2, waxing, acrylic transparency is high, but easy to dirty, want to product bright and shiny, can use liquid polishing wax, with a soft cloth evenly wipe can achieve the purpose.

3, polishing, acrylic box surface hardness and aluminum is about the same, if the surface is accidentally scratched, you can try to use polishing machine or car waxing machine mounted on a cloth wheel, dip the appropriate amount of liquid polishing wax, evenly polished can be improved.

4, temperature control, general acrylic material heat bending deformation is about 100 degrees, therefore, in the use of acrylic boxes should be controlled at this temperature, should not be higher than 90 degrees if used for a long time.

5, adhesion, if the product is inadvertently broken, you can use methylene chloride type of adhesives or quick drying agent to follow.

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