YAGELI Research and Development Department was established on 1st,Dec,2021
With the hot sales of acrylic display box, acrylic display stand, acrylic collection display supplies, Yageli's new product always received the general new and old customers recently.

In order to promote the development and sales of new products, YAGELI Research and Development Department was established on 1st,December 2021 : the main responsibility is to provide new products, new ideas, new designs for the economical development of the company.
All the employees of the department regularly promote and sell some new products to the sales staff, creating new growth points for the company.


The CEO of THE R&D department is Mr. Simon, who has more than 10 years of foreign trade experience, warm congratulations!!

Hope in the future development, Yageli can find more new products, and not only limited to acrylic flower box, acrylic game box, acrylic cosmetics storage,acrylic display boxes for collectibles .

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